support your mind toolkit


when your mind needs support, things tend to get foggy. maybe you've tried resting and taking it easy, but it doesn't seem be giving you the restoration you desire.

sometimes the rest our mind craves is less about physically doing less, but allowing our mind to be replenished.

this can be through finding creative inspiration again, getting clear on what actually needs to get done or simply allowing space for the mind to wander and not be so "on" all the time.

signs your mind might need some support:

  • feeling impatient with yourself or others

  • unable to focus and pay attention

  • experiencing more anxiety and restless thoughts

  • lacking motivation throughout your day

  • feeling detached

ways to support your mind:

🧠 take a tech break to reduce the mental noise. put your phone on grey scale to reduce the visual appeal. unfollow/mute social media accounts that don't make you feel good.

🧠  meditation to get quiet / journaling to get clear / therapy to get perspective.

🧠  watching tv or listen to a podcast where you don't have to think too hard or something that just makes you laugh. think of it like a brain rinse.

🧠 set boundaries with people, your time, your energy. give yourself "buffer time" between commitments so you have a second to pause and recenter. 

🧠 single task > multitasking. dividing your attention often makes the task take longer even if you feel more productive doing more things at once. 

🧠 eliminate the non-essential on your to do list: what's something you don't actually 'have to' do?  write down just 3 tasks for the day that will make that day a success.

🧠 ask someone for help to take something off your plate. ask a friend if you can vent and release everything on your mind. remember that when we ask for help we give people around us permission to do the same.

🧠 take advantage of small breaks throughout your day. who says you need an hour to workout/to read/to finish the whole podcast/etc? take the 10 minutes here and there to do something other than scroll on your phone.

🧠 set aside a planned day to complete all the unpleasant errands/tasks/calls/adult things you've been putting off that are hanging over your head.

🧠 make a list of keep, stop, start for habits/behaviors in your daily life - get clear about where your mental energy is being directed currently and how you want it to be directed.

🧠 do some sensory deprivation. lay down for 5+ minutes with an eye mask on and allow yourself to do nothing. naps and binaural beats are also great.

🧠 follow your curiosity and engage in something novel. go to a new coffee shop. switch up your walking route. read a book or take a class in something new that interests you just because.

🧠 go for a walk and breathe in some fresh air. take a second to notice the sounds, smells, and people around you.

🧠 keep a list of things you need to remember outside of your brain. put items on the calendar to remind you or keep a running list in your phone to reduce the strain on your brain to remember it all.

🧠 write down everything you're afraid of, play the what's the worst that can happen game and assess if what you're afraid of is really that bad.

🧠 cry it out and allow yourself to have an emotional release. sometimes it's our resistance to feel that causes more tension than the actual emotion.

🧠 declutter your space. make your bed. do the dishes in the sink. deal with the clothes pile in your room. cluttered space ➡️ cluttered mind.

🧠 give yourself some credit! you are deserving of rest no matter what happened during your day. and there is always a chance to start over tomorrow.

what is your favorite way to support your mind?


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