support your body toolkit


generally, when we think of giving ourselves self-care, we gravitate toward the body first. after all, it is the most physical representation of when we're feeling off so it makes sense that’s where we think to support ourselves first.

always work with your doctor to get to the root of any health issue, but there are so many ways to further support your body's ever-changing needs on a day-to-day basis.

signs your body might need some support:

  • sluggish and stagnant

  • keyed up and jittery

  • brain fog

  • insomnia

  • digestion issues

  • so many more

ways to support your body:

🫀 improve your sleep hygiene. give yourself a bedtime with enough time to transition to relaxation at night. find a routine you love and look forward to doing.

🫀 make sure you're eating enough. are you giving your body enough energy to support the demands of your day?

🫀 lay on the floor and put your legs up the wall and just chill there. helps soothe the nervous system and relieves anxiety.

🫀 try different breathwork techniques to get out of your head and into your body. there are tons of free youtube videos to walk you through it.

🫀 find movement that you enjoy - yoga, running, hiking, weights, dancing. the best movement is the one you consistently do.

🫀 drink water. like actual water... not iced coffee. fatigue, headaches, low mood can all result from dehydration.

🫀 do a body scan. close your eyes and starting at the crown of your head to your feet notice where are you holding tension? check in to see if you need more rest or more energy.

🫀 take a shower or bath. physically rinse off any negative emotions and notice how the water feels on your skin. if you are in need of energy, try a cold shower to shock and change your state.

🫀 never underestimate the power of a 20 minute nap to change your life.

🫀 start to notice your own personal food triggers and take a break from foods you know your body doesn't respond well too.

🫀 paint your nails. we use our hands and feet all day, but how often do we really slow down and pay attention to them? add a little beauty to your life.

🫀 put on an outfit that makes you feel like the mood you want to be in that day. clothes that make you feel super confident and/or comforted or whatever you're feeling, but make it completely you.

🫀 look up what produce is in season and cook a meal with your seasonal favorites. bonus points for cooking and sharing a meal with a loved one.

🫀 orgasm - with a partner or solo. connect to your body and let the oxytocin work its magic.

🫀get some sunlight exposure. not only will it boost your mood but help your body generate vitamin d. bonus points if you can get outside in the first hour of waking up to help regulate your sleep cycle.

🫀 do something tactile - play a board game, knit a blanket, put a puzzle together, paint by number, take care of your plants.

🫀 schedule the doctor/therapy/acupuncture/self care appointment you've been putting off. take one small step to start making steps forward in supporting your health.

🫀 put one song on to dance and commit to dancing the whole way through, even if you don't feel like it. shake it out and commit to break up any stagnant energy. extra points for singing along.

what is your favorite way to support your body?


support your spirit toolkit


support your mind toolkit