how to brew loose leaf tea


it can be any adjustment switching to loose leaf tea, especially if you’re only used to using convenient teabags. but once you've made the switch to loose leaf tea, it’s hard to go back! the taste of loose leaf teas is much more robust and full of medicinal benefits. it just requires having the right tools on hand and you’ll be all set to have a delicious mug of yummy, supportive tea in no time.

method #1: french press


did you know your french press isn't just for coffee? brewing in a french press is definitely my favorite way to brew loose leaf tea, due to the ease of use and ability to make a big batch at once. definitely make sure you have a dedicated french press for making tea, especially if you’re a coffee drinker, to avoid any lingering coffee taste that could mess up the flavor of your tea. just add your tea leaves to the french press, pour your boiling water on top of the herbs and put the lid back on as it steeps. when the tea has finished steeping, press down on the top of the french press, straining the leaves at the bottom before pour yourself a beautiful cup of tea.

method #2: infusers


infusers mimic the convenience factor of tea bags and there are many different types on the market. stainless steel mesh ball strainers are small enough to bring on the go and drop into your mug. these are great if you're looking to just make one mug for yourself. other styles include the stainless steel tea basket which can be easier to clean after use. there's also plenty of fun shapes to pick your favorite, just opt for stainless steel or silicone over plastic to avoid microplastics in your tea.

method #3: reusable cotton filter bags


filter bags are made of cotton and are great for on-the-go or if you're a total newbie to making the transition from tea bags to loose leaf. you can use to steep tea. it's super easy to use, just add your herbs to the cloth bag, draw the drawstring tight to avoid any herb spillage and pour the water over the bag to steep. allow the bags to dry for easy clean out so you can just shake out the herbs, rinse out the bag and reuse.

while it may seem less convenient to brew loose leaf tea, the trade-off is a more flavorful fresh taking cup of tea that's totally worth an extra tool on hand to help you brew.

what's your favorite way to brew?


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