support your spirit toolkit


your spirit, what makes you, YOU.  sometimes self care is rest where you are lightening your load. but sometimes what you really need is to ADD more of what makes you feel alive, because when our energy is off we feel it.

it's so easy to fall into the rhythm and routine of your life. even when things feel stagnant, your life is still happening every day. so how can you infuse it with more joy?

signs your spirt might need some support:

  • feeling depleted or like your gas tank is on ‘empty’

  • always feeling rushed and scattered

  • more lethargic and lacking passion

  • feeling unease or out of alignment

  • boredom with your days

ways to support your spirit:

✨ do something silly or unnecessary just because. think back to what you loved to do as a kid. resist the urge to make every hobby productive or profitable. it can just be.

✨ spend time in nature. take off your shoes and put your feet in the grace to ground. stand in the sun and pretend you're a flower soaking in all the light.

✨ indulge in quality time with friends. in person or over facetime, there's no better feeling than the connection after a deep soul conversation.

✨ go for a drive, roll the windows down and play your favorite song. pretend you're the main character in a movie (because you are the main character of your own life). bonus points if it's a sunset drive.

✨ do something kind for someone else. get out of your own head. it can be as simple as checking in on a friend or volunteering your time at a local organization.

✨ lean into your creativity: what brings you a state of flow? writing, painting, baking, coloring, whatever it is do more of that.

✨ express gratitude. it's really hard to feel angry or fearful when you're in a state of pure appreciation. make it a daily practice or brain dump everything that comes to mind when you need a reset.

✨ write a joy list of all the things that light you up. walking into the coffee shop to your favorite song playing? joy list. the surprise compliment from your coworker? joy list. don't let that feeling be forgotten, write it down. 

✨ visualize the life or energy you want. don't leave out a single detail, think about how you'd feel what it would look like. bonus points for making a visual you can look at every day.

✨ listen to 432 Hz frequency music. helps reduce anxiety and reset your energy.

✨ make a playlist for the mood you want to feel. let it be as chaotic and unhinged as you want. bonus points for having a kitchen dance party when you're done.

✨ take care of your plants. water them, clip off what's holding them back, tell them they're pretty.

✨ go somewhere to experience awe. the vastness of the ocean, the way the mountains encompass and surround you, the perfect blend of colors in the sunset. that unique feeling of being both small and infinite. 

✨ give yourself time to daydream. set a timer if you need to but pour yourself a warm beverage and let your mind wander.

✨ cuddle a pet or a human. picture your heart taking a rest and allow yourself to be supported by someone else. it's okay to put the armor down.

✨ say or write your affirmations. i am joyful, i am a magnet for abundance, i radiate warmth. speak into existence how you want to feel and interact with the world.

✨ make a bucket list. ten fall activities to do, taste test every dirty chai, hikes you want complete, etc. try to cross one off each week.

✨ try something completely new to you and get out of your comfort zone. embrace the beginner's mindset and laugh your way through being a total novice.

what is your favorite way to support your spirit?


how to start journaling


support your body toolkit